The Legacy of Aidan

Bede begins his account of Aidan by saying two things, that 'he left a most healthy pattern of living to his clergy', and that 'he and those with him commended their doctrine to all men by living just as they taught'. John Foster, They Converted Our Ancestors (1964)

'Aidan cared for peace, love, self-control, humility; his spirit triumphed over anger and greed, and despised pride and vainglory. He was zealous to teach and to do God's will. He knew how to study, and to keep his times of prayer. With true priestly authority he could rebuke the proud and powerful, and with mercy he could comfort the weak, and relieve or defend the poor. To sum up, those who knew him tell us that he took what he knew was taught by the Gospels, the Apostles, and the books of the Prophets, and did his utmost to fulfill them all. These things in him I much admire and love, as surely well-pleasing to God.... About his keeping of Easter, this I do approve, that in his heart he held, and reverenced, and preached, nothing different from ourselves, which is the redemption of mankind, by the passion, resurrection and ascension into heaven, of the Mediator between God and man, himself Man, Jesus Christ.' The Venerable Bede,A History of the English Church and People (quoted in Foster)


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